Gadhsisa is located at a distance of 52km from the west of Bhuj and at a distance of 33km from the north of Mandvi. Similarly it is at a height of 800ft. from sea level. Gangotri which is located to the north of Gadhsisa flows towards the south. The population of Gadhsisa consists of approximately 6000 jains.
The village which came into existence approximately 450 years ago was under the rule of a Queen named Puranba. According to loksahitya,at that time its name was “Charanwadi Tekdi”.
Once a day a lady named “Devlama” was going to Varjadi from Banas Kantha with a herd of cattle. On her way, her favorite calf named Gangs was killed by a lion. She was heartbroken and when she could not bear it she went to a cow-herd whom she considered a brother and told him her story. Not only this but she also announced that she would give up food and water. To reduce her sorrow he said that, although he didn’t have the power to bring her alive again but if u say then I will try to reduce your sorrow by beheading that lion. Devlama was impressed by his genuine and emotional statement and permitted him. He went to the lion’s cave alone during a dark and stormy night and fought with the lion. And he killed the lion in just one stroke. In his war with lion he was also injured. Veergodarji is known as “Godarpeer” till now after his death.
Now where there is a Kotha in the northern side of fort, hairy head of lion was established by Puranba and her help Morji Ghegha and his brothers in the foundation of the fort. And thus the emplacement of village took place and it was named “Lion-Shirsha Gadh”. After that many years passed away and after the passage of time this name changed to “Sisagadh”. And from Sisagadh it changed to Gadhsisa as it is famously known today.
Amazing history